Welcome to the Access Services page! We hope you find this information useful.
*note: November and December meetings are combined into one meeting in early December due to the holiday conflicts in both months.
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Institution | Appointee | Notes | |
Berkshire Community College | Amy Emerson-Inhelder | aemerson-inhelder@berkshirecc.edu | |
Bristol Community College | Melanie Johnson | Melanie.Johnson@bristolcc.edu | |
Holyoke Community College | Jennifer Adams | jadams@hcc.edu | |
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts | Danie Christensen | danielle.christensen@mcla.edu | |
Massassoit Community College | Erin McCoy | emccoy@massasoit.mass.edu | |
Massassoit Community College | Justin Lovell | jlovell7@massasoit.mass.edu | |
Massachusetts Maritime Academy | Carey Zigouras | czigouras@maritime.edu | Co-chair |
MassBay Community College | Erin Ziomek | eziomek@massbay.edu | |
Middlesex Community College | Kim Robbins | robbinsk@middlesex.mass.edu | |
North Shore Community College | Erin D'Agostino | edagosti@northshore.edu | |
Northern Essex Community College | Louise Bevilacqua | lbevilacqua@necc.mass.edu | |
Quinsigamond Community College | Deb Francis | dfrancis@qcc.mass.edu | |
Roxbury Community College |
Ted Intarabumrung Stephanie Regan (Smith) |
Springfield Technical Community College | Kim Noel | knoel@stcc.edu | |
Worcester State University | Jorge Brown | jorge.brown@worcester.edu | Chair |