Screen Readers are software that identify, navigate, and read media within web pages. Users can navigate Screen readers using the keyboard or voice, while media is read out-loud or provided as braille to the user (Gilbert, 2019, p. 125). Explore the following examples.
Read studies about screen-readers access to data visualizations (Sharif et al., 2021; Fan et al., 2022).
Screen Magnifiers make reading your screen easier by enlarging media such as words and images. (Microsoft, 2020).
Read what Lee & Ashok (2022) share about TableView+ - a browser extension that enhances usability. [add note about Window-Eyes and System Access; Pneuma Solutions in process]
Text-to-Speech software transforms text in to an audible format.
Speech-to-Text software transforms spoken language into text.
Notetaking can take place in different forms using assistive technology from students in higher education to professional use.
Read Tucker & Zamfir (2022) about student perceptions on the help of Livescribe smartpens.
Further Info is a great way to continue to learn, develop accessibility skills, and raise awareness.
Fan, D., Siu, A. F., Rao, H. V., Kim, G. S., Vazquez, X., Greco, L., O’Modhrain, S., & Follmer, S. (2022). The accessibility of data visualizations on the web for screen reader users: Practices and experiences during COVID-19. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS).
Gilbert, R. M. (2019). Inclusive design for a digital world: Designing with accessibility in mind. Apress.
Kumar, L. A., Renuka, D. K., Rose, S. L., & Wartana, I. M. (2022). Deep learning based assistive technology on audio visual speech recognition for hearing impaired. International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering, 3, 24-30.
Lee, H. N., & Ashok, V. (2022). Customizable tabular access to web data records for convenient low-vision screen magnifier interaction. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS), 15(2), 1-22.
Microsoft. (2020). Use Magnifier to make things on the screen easier to see.
Sharif, A., Chintalapati, S. S., Wobbrock, J. O., & Reinecke, K. (2021). Understanding screen-reader users’ experiences with online data visualizations (The 23rd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility) [Proceedings]. ASSETS: ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. 1-16.
Tucker, L., & Zamfir, B. (2022). Student perception on the impact of the Livescribe smartpen as an accommodation. Universal Access in the Information Society, 21(3), 599-607.