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FLO Accessibility Toolkit

Types of Disability

  • Visual - Visual impairment may be understood as a continuum that runs "from people with very poor vision, to people who can see light but no shapes, to people who have no perception of light at all.  Although visual disability occurs across the spectrum of this continuum, visual impairment is often grouped into two broader categories: those who are legally blind, and those with low vision
  • Auditory - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) refer to hearing impairments as conditions that affect the frequency and/or intensity of one's hearing. Hearing loss can be caused by many physical conditions (e.g., childhood illnesses, pregnancy-related illnesses, injury, heredity, age, excessive or prolonged exposure to noise), and result in varying degrees of loss that are generally categorized as mild, moderate, severe, or profound.
  • Motor - Motor disability applies to those with difficulties in moving, controlling, or coordinating movement of the body.  Functional limitations of individuals with motor impairment can include weakness, reduced or compromised muscular control (such as involuntary movements, lack of coordination, or paralysis), limitations of sensation, joint problems, mobility impairment brought about by missing limbs, and pain that impedes movement
  • Cognitive - Cognitive disabilities refer to a very wide spectrum of disorders and conditions including impairments of thinking, memory, language, learning, and perception. Causes vary widely as well, and may include stroke, traumatic head injury, birth defects. Cognitive disabilities have been defined according to clinical or functional criteria. Clinical classification of cognitive disabilities include conditions like autism, Down Syndrome, traumatic brain injury, dementia, dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, and learning disabilities in general.
  • Seizure and Vestibular Disorders

General Resources